The Ultimate Guide To Types Of Geotextile In Road Construction

Choosing the correct type of geotextile for a road construction project is important because it can provide great cost and performance benefits. This ultimate guide to types of geotextiles in road construction will help you understand the different types and their characteristics, so you can choose the best solution for your project.

Nonwoven Geotextiles.

Nonwoven geotextiles offer excellent soil separation performance, allowing water to pass through while preventing soils from mixing together. This makes them ideal for drainage and filtration applications. Additionally, nonwoven geotextiles can help to provide additional strength and stability when installed with aggregate. They are available in several grades of permeability so it is important to discuss your project requirements with a geotextile supplier beforehand.

Woven Geotextiles.

Woven geotextiles are made with a tightly interlocked weave that provides stability, uniformity and increased tear strength. They’re ideal for applications where high tensile strength is needed, such as in heavy-duty road paving applications. They also perform well in applications like embankment stabilisation, slope erosion control projects and streambank protection. Additionally, woven geotextiles are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and weathering which makes them suitable for long-term use under harsh environmental conditions.

Polypropylene Geotextiles.

Polypropylene geotextiles are one of the most popular types of construction fabrics. They offer good filtration and many other benefits including durability, chemical resistance, low-conductivity and tested water permeability. Polypropylene geotextiles are also economical as well as easy to install, making them ideal for a variety of civil engineering applications such as erosion control, soil drainage and reinforcement for embankment slopes. Furthermore, polypropylene geotextiles can be used in braced excavations or trenches to provide further protection from abrasion and movement.

High-Strength Woven Geotextiles & Cut Off Fabrics.

High-Strength Woven Geotextiles are used in road construction applications to serve as an effective reinforcing layer. The high strength woven fabric increases the resistance of highly trafficked roads and pavement to traffic loading, dirt, and water. Cut-off fabrics are also useful for controlling infiltration by obstructing water passing through soil that is adjacent to it while allowing moisture vapour transmission.

Infiltration Liners & Fabric Jackets.

Infiltration liners & fabric jackets are typically made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) fabrics that form a barrier when laid in a trench and surrounded by soil. This type of geotextile is placed under the bedding course and acts as an impermeable layer to stop water and other corrosive liquids seeping through the surface layers of the road base. The strong, durable weave also protects road surfaces from wear and tear, making them ideal for highway construction projects.

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